ITU HyperBee Team Supported by Batkon Battery Won 3 Technology Awards
in Europe

The ITU (Istanbul Technical University) HyperBee Team won 3 technology
awards at the European Hyperloop Week held in Zurich from July 15-21, 2024
HyperBee is a project team established within ITU in 2022, participating in
hyperloop competitions and organizations at both national and international
Batkon Battery, a subsidiary of ICU, supported the design and production of the
“High Voltage Modular Battery Management System” for the 500 VDC high
lithium-ion (NMC) battery pack of the vehicle designed and produced by the
HyperBee team. The team first passed the safety tests that lasted for days with
this vehicle. Subsequently, they performed a demonstration and won first place
awards in the fields of Traction, Levitation, and Sense & Control subsystems.
Hyperloop is a train technology proposed by Elon Musk in 2012, aiming to reach
very high speeds of up to 1200 km/h. It aims to maximize speed by minimizing
friction. It plans to reduce ground friction with magnetic levitation and air
friction with vacuum tunnels. Currently, it is being tested by various R&D firms
worldwide. It is expected to have a significant market share in commercial and
public transportation in the future.